Elite Serviços e Manutenções Ltda

Elite Serviços e Manutenções Ltda

Curitiba, Brazil

8 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.61/5
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Services of Elite Serviços e Manutenções Ltda

The Elite and Maintenance Services is a company in the electrical segment, where provides skilled labor to perform the most diverse projects. Meet since the Foundation (standard input) to finish (Lighting) ... Act on residential projects of all sizes and patterns, in the shopping area from a small shop/stand/Agency until an entire shopping complex as mall's, centers/commercial buildings. Work in partnership with engineering firms, construction companies, architects and professionals. Currently are focused in southern Brazil, but has no restrictions on work in any region of Brazil or out of it. One of his recent works was the full implementation of the electrical and lighting of the Hard Rock Cafe Curitiba (http://www.hardrock.com/cafes/curitiba/). Do not perform his work without a budget or Elite evaluation, security and electrical services quality has a name: Elite S.M.

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Elite Serviços e Manutenções Ltda´s Badges

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Country Badges

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City badges

These are some of the cities where Elite Serviços e Manutenções Ltda built stands

Caxias do Sul
Sao Paulo

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian