RECon Las Vegas is the Global Retail Estate Convention at Las Vegas Convention Center, Nevada. It is an event for all the shopping center industry to help them to create new contacts and increase the networking between exhibitors and attendees around the world.

RECon Las Vegas receives more than 30,000 attendees and more than 1,000 exhibitors, so it is with no doubt the best three-days exhibition to discover the latest industry products, attend many educational sessions and find new deals in the market.


Plan your exhibition at RECon

First of all, make sure that you book your space, and to optimize your participation, don't miss all the advertising opportunities that will help your business to gain visibility, not just during the fair, but before and after it:

  • Digital Ads in the Convention Center
  • RECon News
  • Leasing Mall Map
  • badge mailer (limited to 4 companies!)
  • ...and more!

Icsc Recon In Las Vegas

Recon In Las Vegas

Las Vegas Recon

Icsc Recon Exhibition

Recon Exhibition In Las Vegas

Your exhibition stand

Now that you know all the benefits you can take from the organization, we are going to explain you all the benefits you can get working with nEventum. Keep in touch with our expertise team in the area and you will receive 5 proposals of stand design that perfectly fits to your ideas and budget. The proposals are completely free, so your only hard decision will be to choose among the options. We assure you will have the best Exhibition Stand in Las Vegas.

But if you are going to participate on RECon next edition, apart of exhibit, networking and create new business, don't miss the chance to increase your knowledge through the seminars.

The educational program

On the exhibition official site you will find the full program with a schedule per days and hour, in addition of the speaker's name. Also, don't miss RECon Live, a dynamic lineup of back-to-back interviews with top industry executives. You can enjoy those interviews on streaming through ICSC's YouTube channel.

This comprehensive show related to the shopping center industry will become an unmissable event on your calendar!

Silvia Olmo

Editor in Chief in neventum