Marca Bolognafiere is an international trade show dedicated to the private label sector. Its main goal is to make you understand how important is to combined retail system and label products to produce a strategic source for expanding the distribution of Italian products. This event brings guaranteed strategies for you to commercialized both national as internationally; it is an essential gathering if you want to expand your business!


If you're part of this industry, don't let Marca Bolognafiere pass you by. It can definitely be a great opportunity for you and your company! In order to stand out, contact our team of experts in trade shows. We collaborate with thousands of Stand Booth Contractors in Bologne and we can find the one that best fits your needs!

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Marca Bologna covers the following sectors:

  • Food Products (bread, seafood, eggs, ice creams, nuts, brioches, croissants, potatos, etc)
  • Shelf Stable Products (fruit, vegetables, sugar, pasta, rice, baby food, dried fruit, etc)
  • Beverages (drinks, fruit juices, isotonic drinks, coffee, tea, alcoholic drinks, etc)
  • Confectionery and Snacks (chocolate, biscuits, popcorns, nuts, seeds, etc)
  • Oils, Dressings and Seasonings (olive oil, mayonnaise, spices, ketchup, peppers, vinegar, etc)
  • Sauces and Spreads (tomato and pasta sauce, jams, marmalades, peanut butter, sauces, etc)
  • Nutritional and Dietary Supplements and Vitamins
  • Toiletries and Cosmetics (depilatories, cotton pads, perfumes, shampoo, hair spray, etc)
  • Household and Leisure Products (foils, wraps, household textiles, brushes, toilet paper, etc)
  • Leisure Products (gift wraps, party decorations, stationery and office supplies, etc)
  • Other products...

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This incredible trade fair allows exhibitors to create opportunities aimed at representatives of large retail brands to enable them to discover and try out their products. It is also an unmissable opportunity for you and your company, if you're seeking to...

  • Interact face to face with thousands of key buyers from all around the world;
  • Introduce new products and services to an expert audience;
  • Gain greater visibility for your company;
  • Generate sales leads and build relationships with prospects;
  • Launch new products and survey attendees about new product ideas;
  • Keep up on industry trends;
  • Position your brand and increase awareness,
  • ... and so much more!

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Here you'll be able to find many companies and brands such as Aboca, Acetaia Bellei, Azienda Agricola Campobasso, Beretta, Bergen, Boschetti Alimentare, Celmax Italia, Deco Industries, Despar Italia, Dolce Bontà, Gastronomia Piccinini, Gimoka, Menz & Gasser, Molino Sima, Papergroup, Pinguin, Rotofresh Rotochef, Terre Ducali, The Fool, Trentofrutta, among thousands of others! It is an unmissable opportunity to forge new business deals and partnerships!

Raquel Dias

Editorial Staff in neventum