veneta expo srl

Susegana, Italy

6 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.38/5
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Services of veneta expo srl

Veneta Expo is based on various professional offering solutions for exhibitions, retail stores, booths, shops and showrooms of small and large companies. Large fairs and exhibitions in Italy and abroad are proving to be an important showcase for companies in any industry. Our main goal is to transform exhibition spaces in accomplishments that reflect the philosophy and the image of the company entrusted to us. Our experience and originality combined with the creative collaboration with qualified professionals and allow us to enhance the product keeping communicative and functional solutions. Customer analysis, study of details, choreography by lights, custom modular designs enable us to provide innovative solutions and prestigious. Thanks to the experience of our employees we can embrace a wide range of possibilities also for hotels, bars and shops.

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Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian