Services of Azzurro Arquitectura

We are Azzurro Arquitectura, a company that started operations 5 years ago. Since then we have carried out commercial interventions, collaborating with large companies in the design and implementation of their stands for well-known fairs and events.

During this time we have been characterized by providing our clients with services that strictly comply with the needs expressed, according to the established budget, highlighting the brand identity and always complying with the established times. We have a select team of design, construction and supervision professionals, qualified to materialize your idea.

Without further ado, we thank you for your attention and time. We are at your disposal if you need information, advice or are interested in starting a project. It will be a pleasure to be able to work as a team.

Stands built by :Azzurro Arquitectura


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Azzurro Arquitectura´s Badges

Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.

Country Badges

These are some of the countries where Azzurro Arquitectura built stands


City badges

These are some of the cities where Azzurro Arquitectura built stands


Sector Badges

Azzurro Arquitectura has built stands in the following sectors


Stand size badges

From the smallest stands (XS, less than 9m2 ) to stands bigger than 1,000m2 (XXL), Azzurro Arquitectura is able to build stands of any size


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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian