Avens Expositions Pvt Ltd

Avens Expositions Pvt Ltd

Hyderabad, India

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Services of Avens Expositions Pvt Ltd

AVENS is a professional Out Door Conventions and exhibitions infrastructure company.dedicated to the Exhibitions and Conferences Maxima Stalls, Octonoarm stalls design, production and construction of global exhibitions. Firmly believing that success is demonstrative, AVENS strives to orchestrate its customer's success so that long lasting and enduring business relationships are built wherein the customers as a fraternity are satisfied and thereby establishing a worldwide customer base to serve. Adding fillip to its vision and services is the global alliance of AVENS for resource sharing for exhibition construction to emerge as a one stop global service provider.

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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian