Services of Arquitectura en Movimiento
Architectura en Movimiento is a company with six years in the Colombian exhibition booths design and building market aimed to create spacial an innovative experiencies. Its portfolio includes the creation of spaces and commercial exhibitions, booths, furniture and interior design. An integral service, from the booth concept and design to the production, installation and building, is delivered keeping efficient processes at every stage, and success in reaching an optimal quality and a perfect finishing.
With a highly trained multi-disciplinary team of architects, graphic and industrial designers and publishers who are committed with a constant researching. With the objective of helping companies to gain position and consolidate their image thru unique and powerful designs to reinforce the company´s identity. Arquitectura en Movimiento understands their customers´needs, and keeps a fluid communication which results the key to deliver creative solutions capable to exceed the expectations in the short time and according to the established budgets.