Established in 1999, the China International Optoelectronic Expo (CIOE) is a world-renowned event where the most advanced optoelectronics technologies and innovations are presented to thousands of visitors.

After celebrating 17 consecutive years of steady expansion, the show is now recognized as the largest of its kind in the world. Its purpose is clear: The CIOE aims to establish a communication platform for worldwide optoelectronic industry and promote the developments that are being made in the sector.


From LED Tech to Smart Life!

Each year, more than 3,200 optoelectronic enterprises join the CIOE in order to exhibit their new products. Many international brands like China Telecom, TLC, FOXCONN, Huawei, Moritex and Institutions such as the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute and the Chinese Academy of Sciences are usually present, (re)presenting their products and ideas.

The CIOE fair offers a wide range of products related to specific categories such as:

  • Optical Communications (with system and measurement equipments, mobile applications and accessories)

  • Sensors

  • Lasers, Infrared Applications

  • Precision Optics (with touch-screens, optical materials and components, etc)

  • LED Tech (with components, materials, semiconductor lighting, etc)

  • Smart Life (with the latest smart products and applications, such us Wearable Devices)

  • etc.

Beyond the Fair...

The China International Optoelectronic Expo also includes an extensive conference program where the latest technologies and trends are unveiled. The program will cover the entire spectrum of optical communications, lasers, infrared applications, precision optics, and LED lighting and display. The debates will be presented by academics, senior technicians, professionals and senior managers.


Be part of the CIOE!

The CIOE provides a very efficient exchange platform for Chinese and overseas enterprises. In this fair you will be able to promote your products and brand, search high-quality suppliers & partners, and get more investment and financing opportunities. Our team of experts will get you the best deal, by finding you the greatest stand designers and constructors in the East!

Raquel Dias

Editorial Staff in neventum