Trazos y Tendencias

Fuenlabrada, Spain

7 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.57/5
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Services of Trazos y Tendencias

I would like to invite you to see first hand our experience in the field of ephemeral architecture, where after more than 20 years we continue with the illusion of the first day trying to offer the best designs at the best price, with the possibility of stands for a single event or for several productions.

This is without prejudice to the care we provide to our customers: direct and personal attention from the beginning of the process, when we receive the breafing of needs, to follow in the days of the fair, meeting all the needs that may arise during the event.

We own infrastructure in the two main Spanish cities, Madrid and Barcelona that makes us present in the most important events taking place in our country and allows us to offer complete coverage both nationally and internationally.

We are happy to offer the best service at the best prices.

Thanks in advance for your time and feel free to contact me.


Manuel Garcia

Commercial Director

Trazos y Tendencias Reviews

Rate: 3.57/5 7 reviews in neventum

Exhibition Stands Madrid published

Mal servicio

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian