Pro y Pro

Pro y Pro

Buenos Aires, Argentina

8 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.97/5
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Services of Pro y Pro

Pro y pro is a specialized company in stand's design and construction, industrial design, graphic design as well as promotions and events in Argentina. Pro y pro provides its customers with integral solutions for the promotions, exhibitions and launches of companies and products, advising its clients on the integral development of the project, taking care of its performance including construction, setting up in point of sale, exhibition opening session or contest.

A qualified team of professionals are responsible for providing Pro y Pro customers with an efficient and quality service, adapted to the agreed budget and delivery times.

Pro and Pro has its own workshops where the various expertise departments carry out its activities, carpentry, iron works, painting, electricity, graphic works, setting up and others. This fact allows the company to perform an upright control of the whole service process, from design to materialization and setting up.


Stands Displays POP Signs Signalization Furniture and Objects Promotions and Events Graphic Design

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Buenos Aires

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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian