Plenart Estruturas e Eventos

Plenart Estruturas e Eventos

Rio Bonito, Brazil

8 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.63/5
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Services of Plenart Estruturas e Eventos

Founded in the year 2010, the Plenart is specialist in display materials structures mounts in fairs, shows and events in General. Win recognition of large customers, allowing in this way the growth of the company in the market.

With a team formed by excellent professionals, structure and large fleet of vehicles always seek the better service, agility and efficiency, providing satisfaction to our customers and partners. The initial idea to the project and the implementation, all makes part of a line designed to ensure total satisfaction and better return of their investment.



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Plenart Estruturas e Eventos´s Badges

Sharing their previous stands which they have built is demonstrating their experience. This is recognized by neventum badges.

Country Badges

These are some of the countries where Plenart Estruturas e Eventos built stands


City badges

These are some of the cities where Plenart Estruturas e Eventos built stands

Sao Paulo
Rio de Janeiro

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Fluent in Spanish and English



Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian