E.M. Feiras e Congressos

E.M. Feiras e Congressos

Sao Paulo, Brazil

8 opinions on Neventum Rate: 3.54/5
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Services of E.M. Feiras e Congressos

E.M. Feiras e Congressos is a company dedicated for more than 10 years to booth design, building, assembly and decoration E.M. Feiras e Congressos offers a wide range of services from the project to its assembly, focus in quality from basic booths to the most customized ones.

E.M Feiras e Congressos develops from an idea a complete architectural project that considers price, quality and brand presence.

E.M Feiras e Congressos has developped important projects in trade shows and congresses in its country. Among E.M Feiras e Congressos services we can mention: Standard Booths, Customized Booths, Showrooms, Displays, Platforms, Stages, Cabinets...

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E.M. Feiras e Congressos´s Badges

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Fluent in Spanish, English and German



Fluent in Spanish, french and Italian